Some Interesting stunning facts about Indian railways- you have to see it now - Geography for You

Some Interesting stunning facts about Indian railways- you have to see it now

We know that transporting various transferable goods and people from one place to another is called transport. And Road, vehicles and regulations connected with transport are called transport systems together. Once this transport system is divided into several parts. Such as land routes, waterways, airways and railways. Today we will know about the railway system of India.

Some Interesting stunning facts about Indian railways- you have to see it now
Courtesy : Indian Railway

Indian Railways at a glance

The first railroad proposal in India is 1832

➽ April 16, 1853, During Lord Dalhousie's time, 34 kilometers were taken with 400 passengers.
Headquarters of Indian Railways is located in New Delhi.
India's first rail bridge
Fig-1 : India's first rail bridge (Pictur Credits)
'Dhapuriya Viadcta' Bridge on the Mumbai-Thane route in 1854, India's first rail bridge
First Electric train was run in India
Fig- 2: First Electric train was run in India (Credit)

The first electronic train movement started on February 3, 1925. [9.5 miles] from Victoria Tarmins to Curla of Bombay. (Fig-2)

➽ The credit of India's third largest rail service to India. After the USA(250,000km) and China(124,000 km), the total length of India's total rail route is 115000 km.

➽ India's highest employment is through this.

➽ It is said that as long as the track or line of the Indian Railways, it can be encircled by the one-on-one side of the whole world.
The name of India's smallest station name
The Longest railway station has Indian Railways. The 1.35 kilometer long platform is named after Gorakhpur. The station is located in Uttar Pradesh. (Fig-3)
The name of India's biggest railway station
Fig-4 (Credit)
➽ The name of India's biggest railway station is called 'Venkatanarasimharajuvaripeta'. (Fig-4)
The name of India's smallest station name
Fig-5 (Credit)
➽ The name of India's smallest station name is 'IB'. The station named 'IB' is located in Odisha. In addition, the name of a railway station in Gujarat is 'OD'. (Fig-5)
The world's tallest railroads are in India
Fig-6: (Courtesy :
➽ The height is 35 meters above the Eiffel tower. The world's tallest railroads are inIndia. The reverse 'U' shaped bridge is built on the junction of the Jammu and Kashmir hill ranges and over the Chenab River. The bridge is 359 meters high.(Fig-6)
Indian railway official mobile app
Fig-7: Indian railway official mobile app (Courtesy)
➽ In 1985, the rules for the first time computerized ticket reservation was introduced in Indian Railways. Indian railway official mobile app launched in 2014 (Fig-7).
Longest Run for Daily Train: Kerala Express
Fig-8 : Courtesy
➽ Longest Run for Daily Train: Kerala Express (3054 km in 42.5 hrs)(Fig-8)

➽ There are 17 regional divisions in Indian Railways.
Fig-9: Courtesy 

The maximum distance covered train is Vivek Express [4273 km], Dibrugarh to Kanyakumari (Fig-9).

➽ The lowest distance train is from Nagpur in Maharashtra to Ajni [3 km] 

➽ Therefore, there is no way of debating about the Indian Railways as being "national lifeline".

➽ Srirampur and Belapur are two different stations in Maharashtra’s Ahmednagar district, at the same location on the railway route but on opposite sides of the track.

➽ India’s oldest working locomotive is the Fairy Queen, manufactured in 1855.
Pir Panjal Railway tunnel
Fig-10: Pir Panjal Railway tunnel

➽ Pir Panjal Railway tunnel the longest tunnel in the country is 11.215 kilometers long!

➽ Trivandrum-H. Nizamuddin Rajdhani Express, This is a train that does not stand at any station and runs 528 km away

➽ It's transports almost 2.5 crore passengers daily!
Fig-11: one station in two states (Pic Credits)

Navapur Station is located in two states. The half in Maharashtra and the rest  in Gujarat. The fun thing is not! (Fig-11)
Indian railway’s mascot - Bholu, the Guard Elephant
Fig-12: Indian railway’s mascot

➽ Do you know, the Indian railway’s mascot is - Bholu, the Guard Elephant. (Fig-12)

➽ Busiest station : Lucknow, with 64 trains per day.

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